Prepping for the New School Year with Antibacterial Wipes

Students staying safe at school

Whilst it may feel as though Summer has barely begun, a return to school is fast approaching for the nation’s youth. This is the second round of back-to-school commotion that has been impacted by the pandemic and, with any luck, the UK’s parents will be well-prepared come September. Despite this, a refresher on the role […]

How Can Nightclubs Make Use of Antibacterial Wet Wipes When They Re-Open?

A picture of a club to represent how antibacterial wet wipes can be used in the re-opening of night clubs

For many younger people, one of the things they’re most looking forward to when things eventually return to normal is the full return of nightclub venues. Rooms full of densely packed people, sweating profusely and consuming lots of alcohol is hardly the best recipe for hygiene. When these venues do open their doors once more, […]

Antibacterial Wet Wipes  Encourage a Safe Return for the Travel and Tourism Industry 

A wing of an airplane to represent how antibacterial wet wipes can help the travel and tourism industry.

The return of international travel has been met, unsurprisingly, with great enthusiasm. After months of on-off travel bans, air travel and the prospect of sunnier climes becoming available once again. Those who make their livelihoods from travel and tourism have rightly been rejoicing about welcoming back holidaymakers. One of the hardest periods in living memory […]

Why A Plentiful Supply Of Antibacterial Wet Wipes Are Essential For The Hybrid Workplace

Why A Plentiful Supply Of Antibacterial Wet Wipes Are Essential For The Hybrid Workplace

We’re at something of a crossroads from an employment perspective. Do employers stick or twist in terms of whether to transition their workforce more permanently to a remote basis or to return to the tried-and-tested office format. But what about somewhere between the two? That’s where the idea of the ‘hybrid’ workplace comes into play. […]

Not All Wet Wipes Are The Same!

A picture of wet wipes being packaged at the Guardpack factory.

When people think of wet wipes, they tend to think of one big universal product; a product that’s the same, whatever setting it’s used in. In reality, though, there’s a huge breadth and depth in the type of formula and fabrics used to make wet wipes. A variety that depends entirely on the particular application […]

The Role Antibacterial Wipes Should Play in The Upcoming ‘Return To Schools’

An image of a child using antibacterial wipes to represent their importance in the upcoming return to schools.

Earlier this week, the UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his much-anticipated ‘roadmap’. Within this, he outlined his vision for how England will begin to transition out of its third lockdown. Hopefully, this will be the very last time. The first port-of-call within the plan was the return of children to schools in England from […]

6 Surfaces People Always Forget To Wipe Down With Antibacterial Wipes

A light switch to represent surfaces often forgotten about in terms of wiping with antibacterial wipes.

Over the last twelve months, it’s safe to say that we’ve turned into a nation of wipers. Whether you’re amongst the cohort of people who religiously wipe down their grocery shopping without fail, or simply carry an emergency pack around in your bag with you, wet wipes are now part and parcel of everyday life. […]