Utilising Sustainable Sample Sachets

Sustainable Sample Sachets

When it comes to sustainability, companies are searching for all the ways they can make changes to their operations to ensure they are doing their bit. With the most recent heatwave and extreme weather the UK has seen, it is evident that we need to be doing all we can to reduce the impact we […]

A Guide to Sending Free Sachet Samples to Influencers

Free Sachet Samples for Influencers

Sending out free sachet samples to influencers can be a life-changing decision for your business. Partnering with successful influencers is a hugely effective marketing strategy and no matter what you are marketing, you are likely to find an influencer who wants to receive free items. Here at Guardpack, we specialise in sachet filling and have […]

How Do Low-Quantity Manufacturing Runs Support Small & Developing Businesses?

An image of sample sachets

When it comes to product manufacturing, many small and developing businesses struggle to order in products on an economic scale suitable to their budding needs. Many manufacturers have minimum available manufacturing runs well beyond that which a new business could conceivably afford. Here at Guardpack, however, we offer runs of as low as 2,000 when […]

The start of something great…..

Our new sachet machine finally arrived from Spain last month, and is now fully set up and running,  producing sachets at 5,000 per hour. It’s a good job too, as our production schedule is practically full right now, so we need all the manufacturing lines running as fast as they can! Who said things go quiet […]