Products Containing MIT/CMIT – withdrawal deadline

Following an amendment to the Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) have concluded that the mixture Methylchloroisothiazolinone (and) Methylisothiazolinone, known as MIT/CMIT, should no longer be used in Leave-On cosmetic products. Commonly used as a preservative, evidence has shown that it can cause skin sensitivity in some people and therefore the decision was taken to withdraw the material from cosmetic products. It can still be used in Rinse-Off products such as Shampoos, Bath Products etc, at no more than 0,0015 %.

From 16 April 2016 only cosmetic products which comply with the amended Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 should be available after this date

In light of this change, over the last 12 months Guardpack has removed MIT/CMIT across all of its cosmetic leave-on range. Our new formulas have been challenged tested and Cosmetic Product Safety Reports have been updated to reflect the changes, as well as registration on the Cosmetic Portal.

Guardpack invest heavily to ensure legal compliance across all of its products and associated regulations.  Whilst we do not pass any of these costs onto our clients it is necessary for us to make a charge to create new plates for effected products on re-order. Charges for new plates are £65.00 per colour, there will be no artwork design charges incurred.

Extra charges are never pleasant and whilst some of our competitors, especially those overseas, may appear lower in cost, many do not comply with their legal responsibilities. We are aware that Trading Standards are starting to pay greater attention to product conformity and  in certain cases have started removing product from the market.

If you have any questions regarding this or any other compliance issue please contact us.