As of this week, restaurants and other hospitality venues have been able to open up once again for indoors dining, much to the relief of many shivering punters who, until now, had been donning woolly jumpers, umbrellas and a dogged can-do spirit in their attempts to enjoy dining outside – even in the most trying of British weather conditions. The UK Government and their scientific advisors have urged caution, however, issuing the reminder that the Coronavirus spreads more effectively in indoor environments. With that in mind, the team here at Guardpack, one of the UK’s leading private label wet wipe manufacturers, wanted to explore the benefits of wet wipe products in this widespread reopening.
Indoors Vs. Outdoors – What’s The Evidence?
First, though, let’s look at what the science has to say about the spread of Coronavirus indoors when compared with outdoors settings. There have now been various studies and reports on the topic, and the consensus has been that there are indeed increased odds of transmission indoors, compared with outdoors. In fact, some studies have reported the risk of transmission is almost nineteen times greater in indoor settings, than it is outdoors.
The Importance Of Hygiene Isn’t Going To Go Away
If this pandemic has reinforced anything over this past year, it’s the importance of good hygiene. Though we might be approaching what is hopefully the finishing strait, in terms of having our lives affected by the pandemic, in order to keep on top of any subsequent pockets of outbreak (and just because we should be practicing good hygiene anyway) it’s crucial that we maintain these greater levels of personal hygiene, moving forward. Restaurants should look to display this extra attention and care as the default from now on.
Individual Wipes For Customers
Whilst many of your customers will seem quite gung-ho about the return to dining indoors, there’ll also be a significant tranche of people cautious and anxious about the prospect of sitting down indoors to eat, again. You can assuage the majority of these worries by ensuring the implementation of test-and-trace, one way systems, regular table wipe downs and, we’d argue most importantly, the plentiful provision of individual wipes.
These can be generic or, alternatively, you can really leave an impression by providing individual wipes with your restaurant’s branding all over it. Either way, it’ll elevate your restaurant from being a venue that offers good food and drink, to being a setting that offers a good overall experience.
Restaurants, of course, not only have a duty of care to their customers’ safety, but also that of their staff, too. Waiters, kitchen porters, bartenders and chefs are at the coal face of operations, working in close proximity with one another and usually within a highly pressurised and stressful environment.
To cater to this (pun entirely intended…) hospitality business owners need to show they value their employees, and more so their safety, by positioning cleaning stations at frequent intervals throughout the building, as well as offering their employees individual hygiene kits – containing extra masks, for instance, multipack wipes, individual wipes and bottles of hand sanitizer.
Branding To Help Make A Mark
Asides from keeping your patrons and staff safe, however, Guardpack’s private label wet wipe products help serve another very important function. The purpose of wet wipes and finger wipes may get rid of marks, but our individual wipes make sure that your restaurant business makes a mark.
As far as business branding goes for restaurants, sometimes the subtler messages are the most effective. You can throw money at an all-singing, all-dancing TV advertising campaign, for instance, and see only moderate returns, whilst you could utilise smaller branded products, which show a touch of class and professionalism, and achieve exactly the same results (if not better) at a fraction of the price.
We offer printing services in up to 8 colour options; simply send us your logo and we’ll do the rest! With our factory offering printing runs as low as 2,000 units, we’re able to help even small restaurant businesses imprint themselves on customers’ minds. Not only that, but our formula is certified to kill 99.999% of bacteria so they won’t just look good on your tables, they’re effective too!
Contact Us
We’re certainly looking forward to our first meal back in a restaurant again, here at Guardpack, but we’d certainly rather go to those hospitality businesses that go the extra mile when it comes to their COVID-security and hygiene offerings! Our wet wipe products provide exactly that.
So, if you’d like to find out more about our work as a private label wet wipe manufacturer, whether that be our multipacks or individual wipes, then get in touch! Contact Guardpack today on 01245 505 807 or by emailing Alternatively, you can fill out one of our online contact forms if you’d prefer. However you wish to get in touch, we look forward to hearing from you!