Whilst some offices are still operating from home, the majority have moved to a hybrid working pattern. Although we may be used to the cleanliness procedures in our own homes due to spending so long in them during lockdown, the COVID-19 pandemic has led us to be more health and germ-conscious in all areas of our lives. This includes the office. This got the team at Guardpack thinking – how can workers ensure their new office routines take into account cleanliness procedures that are perhaps more rigorous than before? We believe multi-pack wet wipes are the answer.
We are a manufacturer of multi pack wet wipes, which hold the key to allow businesses to uphold cleanliness in offices. In this blog, we discuss the ways in which your office can utilise them!
Cleaning food areas
As much as we don’t want to admit it, we have all ‘not seen’ the cleaning rota that’s emailed round at the start of each month. This can mean that any kitchen or break area may get a little bit messy. Whilst it’s important to ensure these areas are cleaned thoroughly and regularly, there’s one thing that may ease this process and not make cleaning feel like a chore.
Having handy packs of wet wipes to hand around the kitchen area can encourage staff to clean up after themselves. They’re quick, easy and can be placed in the bin after use as they are 100% biodegradable. Furthermore, our cleaning formulas are approved to BS EN1276. This is the European standard used in the hospitality industry and food preparation environments that standardises the effectiveness of chemical disinfectants.
Cleaning down desks
When working, you never really stop to think about desk cleanliness. As long as it looks clean, it must be clean, right? Wrong! You are probably at your desk for 5 days a week; or less with hybrid working, although this is applicable to your desk at home too. It’s impossible not to leave imperceptible bacteria in high-touch places. This includes your mouse, keyboard, even the power button of your computer or monitor. Using wet wipes that are infused with antibacterial fluid can reduce the amount of bacteria on your desk, as well as other surfaces around the office. A cleaner work environment is better for everyone.
Plus, going back to the idea of hybrid working, desk sharing might be commonplace depending on where you work, with different people coming in on different days. This is all the more reason to give everything a wipe down before and after every use.
Wiping mess
Multi-pack wet wipes make it much easier for employees to clean as they go. Having them positioned around the offices encourages your staff to clean their messes up as soon as they’re made; no matter where in the building they are. With Guardpack’s wipes, you can buy in bulk. This will save money in the long-term, and ensure your employees always have a wet wipe within reach.
Contact us
To find out more about Guardpack’s multi-pack wet wipes and other sustainable products, get in touch with our team today. Alternatively, you can call us on 01245 505 807 or email us at trade@guardpack.co.uk.